
Minute™ Water-soluble and Water-Insoluble Protein Fractionation Kit



Minute™ Water-soluble and Water-Insoluble Protein Fractionation Kit


    클릭하시면 닫힙니다.이미지 저장을 원하시면 마우스 오른쪽클릭후 '다른이름으로 저장'을 하세요


Researchers studying protein localization and trafficking now have a convenient tool: the MinuteTM Water-soluble and Water-Insoluble Protein Fractionation Kit for cells/tissues. This unique product allows for the rapid and efficient separation of these two key fractions from cells/tissues, microorganisms and plant tissues, providing enriched and easily detectable protein samples for downstream applications like western blotting, ELISA and immunoprecipitation. Water soluble fraction contains mainly cytosolic proteins and water-insoluble fraction contains mainly insoluble membranous structures such as plasma membrane, nuclear membrane and organelles. The kit offers researchers a novel and simple approach for understanding protein function and movement within the cellular landscape. If a protein target is known to be localized in water-soluble or water-insoluble fraction, the kit will facilitate detection, isolation and purification of the target protein by enrich corresponding fractions.


  클릭하시면 닫힙니다.이미지 저장을 원하시면 마우스 오른쪽클릭후 '다른이름으로 저장'을 하세요

Fig. 1. Protein profiles of water-insoluble (WI) and water-soluble (WS) fractions from HEK293 cells, yeast (S. cerevisiae) and plant (Broccoli leaf). Proteins were  separated in 10% SDS-PAGE and stained with Coomassie blue.


  클릭하시면 닫힙니다.이미지 저장을 원하시면 마우스 오른쪽클릭후 '다른이름으로 저장'을 하세요

Fig. 2. Western blotting of fractionated frozen mouse liver. Lanes 1, 2 and 3 are total liver lysate,  water-insoluble and water-soluable fraction, respectively. A. Ponceau red stained blot. B. Western blot with anti-Na/K-ATPase (plasma membrane marker), Lamin B1 (nuclear envelope marker) and GAPDH (cytosolic marker).


Instruction sheet (PDF) 


Ordering information ;   

Catalog No

Product Name

Kit components



Minute™ Water-soluble and Water-Insoluble Protein Fractionation Kit

Buffer A

15 ml

Buffer B

25 ml

Buffer C

1 ml

Buffer D

1 ml

Buffer N

1 ml

1.5 ml Microfuge Tubes

20 units

Pestles for 1.5 ml


2 units

Protein Extraction


2 g

* For 20 preps

▣ 관련 페이지 ; Invent Biotechologies, Inc.




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