
Human Fetal Fibronectin XpressCard



               Human Fetal Fibronectin XpressCard



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Fetal fibronectin (fFN) is a fibronectin protein produced by fetal cells and certain types of tumor cells. Fetal

fibronectin “leaks” into the vagina if a preterm delivery is likely to occur and can be measured in a screening

test. When the fFN test is positive, it is an inconclusive result. A positive result can indicate that a woman will

go into preterm labor soon, but she may not go into labor for weeks. When the fFN test is negative, the result

is a better predictor. A negative result means that there is little possibility of preterm labour within the next 7 to

10 days, and the test can be repeated weekly for women who remain at high risk. A negative fetal fibronectin

test gives a more than 95% likelihood of remaining undelivered for the next 2 weeks.


fFN is also secreted into the urine of patients with bladder cancer (transitional cell carcinoma), and can be

detected in the tissue culture supernatants of liver cancer, breast cancer and lung cancer cell lines. The

possible onco-fetal relation of fFN gene regulation suggests that fFN could be an early biomarker for certain




1) Place the cassettes in horizontally.

2) Add 100 μl of biological fluids directly to the sample well.

3) Wait for 3 ~ 5 minutes.


* For research use only, NOT for diagnosis



Ordering information     

Catalog No.

Product Name


 ATG-fFN-10 (PDF)

Human Fetal Fibronectin XpressCard

10  tests


▣ 관련 페이지 ; Antagen Pharmaceuticals, Inc.






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