Rapid Mouse Antibody Isotyping kit
Rapid Mouse Immunoglobulin Isotyping kit To determine IgG1, IgG2a, IgG2b, IgG3, IgA,, IgM, κ, and λ
중쇄 isotype 4종류 / 6종류와 경쇄 subclass 2종류를 5분 만에 검출 !
서로 다른 isotype 및 subclass 항체는 일반적으로 in vivo 에서 다른 effector 기능을 보여 주기 때문에 hybridoma 를 스크리닝 하는 경우 원하는 isotype 및 subclass를 가진 효율적인 클론에 집중하게 됩니다. 아울러, immunoglobulin의 적합한 정제법을 검토하는데 있어서 단클론 항체의 class, subclass의 결정은 유용합니다. Mouse antibody isotyping kit는 mouse antibody의 중쇄 isotype 4종류 / 6종류 (IgG1, IgG2a, IgG2b, IgG3, IgA, IgM)와 경쇄 subclass(kappa, lambda) 2 종류를 식별합니다. 본 제품은 5분 이내에 신속하게 isotype 을 검출 가능한 lateral flow assay로 기존의 ELISA 분석법보다 편리한 키트입니다.
The Rapid Mouse Immunoglobulin Isotyping Kit is a five-minute lateral flow assay with ELISA sensitivity for monoclonal antibody class and subclass determination. Acceptable sample types include hybridoma culture supernatant and purified monoclonal antibody. Ascites fluid is not recommended since it usually contains multiple immunoglobulins. However, this kit can still be used to determine the relative distributionof the main isotypes in a sample of ascites fluid.
This kit is able to detect 4 mouse antibody heavy chain isotypes and 2 light chain subclasses (IgM, IgG1, Ig2Ga, Ig2Gb, kappa, and lambda) within 5 minutes, fast and convenient; an improvement over the traditional way: ELISA. This kit is shaped like a cassette. After loading 100 μL of solution, a dark line will appear showing the isotype of the antibody. Another line will appear on the control (C), showinga successful test.
Sample Requirements and Dilution Conditions
Protocol 1) Place the cassettes in horizontal plane. 2) Add 80 ~ 100 μl antibody solution directly to the Sample Well. Wait for 5 minutes. 3) A red test line at the location corresponding to antibody-specific isotype and a red control line at "C" position will appear within 1 ~ 5 minutes.
Note: Do not read after 20 minutes. Note: If the color of tissue culture medium causes high background, 40 ~ 60 μl PBS can be chased to clear the background. Note: Promptly return unused strips in their original bag and keep dry.
Ordering informations
▣ 관련 페이지 ; Antagen Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
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