
Minute™ Plasma Membrane-Derived Lipid Raft Isolation Kit



Minute™ Plasma Membrane-Derived Lipid Raft Isolation Kit


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Lipid rafts are small membrane domains containing high level of cholesterol and sphingolipids. Lipid rafts

have been found in plasma membrane (PM) and internal organellar membranes such as mitochondria-

associated membrane (MAMs) and endoplasmic reticulum. Lipid rafts are implicated in numerous cellular

processes such as signal transduction, membrane trafficking and protein sorting.  Lipid-modified proteins

and some transmembrane proteins are concentrated in the rafts while other proteinsare excluded. Lipid rafts

are also found to be associated with Na+/K+ ATPase on PM. Traditional methods for lipid raft isolation

involve isolation of detergent resistant membrane subdomain from total membranous structures, which does

not distinguish plasma membrane-derived and/or organelle-derived lipid rafts. Using the patented spin-

column-based technologies, we have developed this kit specifically for isolation of plasma membrane-

derived lipid rafts. Larger plasma membrane vesicles are first isolated and treatedwith a non-ionic detergent

containing buffer followed by isolation of detergent resistant fraction by flotation centrifugation using a table

top microcentrifuge. Highly enriched plasma membrane derived lipid rafts can be obtained in about 1 hour

without using traditional homogenizer and ultracentrifugation.

*For total lipid raft isolation, please refer to MinuteTM Total Lipid Raft Isolation Kit under Cat # LR-039 .


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Ordering information     

Catalog No

Product Name

Kit components



Minute™ Plasma Membrane-Derived Lipid Raft Isolation Kit

Buffer A

15 ml

Buffer B

10 ml

Buffer C

10 ml

Plastic Rods

2 units

Filter Cartridge with Collection Tubes

20 units

* For 20 preps


▣ 관련 페이지 ; Invent Biotechologies, Inc.




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