
Human primary cancel cell lines



Human primary cancel cell lines



암환자에서 절제한 종양에서 암세포를 분리하여 in vitro 에서 계대 횟수를 2 ~ 3 회까지로 한정하여 배양 증식한

세포로, 다른 암세포와는 달리 산소와 대사물의 공급 등의 변화에 따른 환경적응에 의한 유전정보의 누락이 최소화

되어, in vivo 상태에 가까운 특성을 보유하고 있기 때문에 암 연구에 적합합니다. 또한 유전적으로 안정하여,

몇 세대 증식배양 사이에서 heterozygous 상태 (35%-TP53의 경우)를 유지 할 수 있어서 암 연구, 유전자 제어,

cell-matrix interactions, 신약개발 및 screening에 유용합니다.

보다 자세한 내용은 아래의 PDF 파일을 참고하시기 바랍니다.



Commercially available cancer cells lines do not show vast majority of phenotypes and genotypes presented

in vivo . Only small margin of cancer cells can be stabilized in vitro .

Celther Polska offers primary human cancer cell lines from a variety of tissue sources, including breast,

colon and prostate.

They can be provided as  in vitro  selected. Alternatively in combination with infiltrating tumor, normal cells -

as elements of immediately preserved chirurgical slices ready for your selection procedure.

In both cases various, observed in vivo phenotypes and genotypes of cancer cells are served.


Are you looking for cells which are ideally suited to support your research?

Take advantage of a useful tool, primary human cancer cell lines made by Celther, to support your in vitro

studies in many fields, including cancer, gene regulation, cell-matrix interactions as well as toxicology, drug

development and drug screening.


Learn about differences between stable cancer cell lines and clinical cases (in vivo) from the presentation

and see how you can cope with many problems using primary cells

- General information (PDF)

- Patient derived cancer models for your research (PDF)




Drug discovery and development - Drug testing - Drug screening - Basic research - Functional analyses -

Cytotoxicity analyses



Human primary prostate cancer cell line

Prostate cells are obtained from patients diagnosed with prostate cancer in different stages of development

as determined by histopathological and immunohistochemical tests. We provide primary human prostate

cancer cell lines derived from numerous donors.


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Fig. 1. Cancel cell morphology in primary prostate cancel cell culture




Homo sapiens, human







Product Format:


Frozen 1 ml, 1 x 106 cells/vial



Celther PCFM medium


클릭하시면 닫힙니다.이미지 저장을 원하시면 마우스 오른쪽클릭후 '다른이름으로 저장'을 하세요


클릭하시면 닫힙니다.이미지 저장을 원하시면 마우스 오른쪽클릭후 '다른이름으로 저장'을 하세요


Fig. 2. Exemplary immunocytochemical analysis of primary prostate cancer cell in vitro: (Left) EGFR (red

signal) and pan-Cytokeratin expression (green signal) in cell colony: DAPI (blue singal). (Right) EGFR

expression (red signal), DAPI (blue signal).



Human primary breast cancer cell line

Human primary breast cancer cell lines we provide, are obtained from tumor resections patients. They were

diagnosed with breast cancer in different stages of development as determined by histopathological and

immunohistochemical tests. Each time cancer cells are identify using MGB-1 marker and overexpression of

MUC-1. Furthermore, CD90 is used to check whether cancer cell lines are free of fibroblasts.These cancer

cell lines are provided in the second or third passage and resemble in vivo state for a minimum of 7

passages after thawing. We provide primary breast cancer cell lines derived from numerous donors.  


클릭하시면 닫힙니다.이미지 저장을 원하시면 마우스 오른쪽클릭후 '다른이름으로 저장'을 하세요


클릭하시면 닫힙니다.이미지 저장을 원하시면 마우스 오른쪽클릭후 '다른이름으로 저장'을 하세요


Fig. 3. Exemplary immunocytochemical analysis of primary breast cancer cell in vitro (A-B) EGFR

expression (red signal) and TP53 neclear accumulation (green signal); DAPI (blue singal).




Homo sapiens, human







Product Format:


Frozen 1 ml, 1 x 106 cells/vial



Celther PCFM medium


클릭하시면 닫힙니다.이미지 저장을 원하시면 마우스 오른쪽클릭후 '다른이름으로 저장'을 하세요


클릭하시면 닫힙니다.이미지 저장을 원하시면 마우스 오른쪽클릭후 '다른이름으로 저장'을 하세요


Fig. 4. Exemplary Fluorescence in situ Hybridization (FISH) result presenting HER2 copy number in breast

cancer cells in primary cell culture: HER2 probe (red signals); CEP 17 control probe (green signals). (A)

Cells from samples with intrachromosomal amplification; (B) Heterozygous cell culture showing

chromosome 27 polysomy and amplification.



Human primary colon cancer cell line


Colon cells are obtained from patients diagnosed with colon cancer in different stages of development as

determined by histopathological and immunohistochemical tests. We provide primary human colon cancer

cell cultures derived from numerous donors.  


클릭하시면 닫힙니다.이미지 저장을 원하시면 마우스 오른쪽클릭후 '다른이름으로 저장'을 하세요


Fig. 5. Cancel cell morphology in primary colon cancel cell culture




Homo sapiens, human







Product Format:


Frozen 1 ml


Ordering informations   

Catalog No.

Product Name


CL 04001-CLTH

CLTH/PC, Human primary prostate cancer cell line

Frozen 1 ml

CL 04002-CLTH

CLTH/BC, Human primary breast cancer cell line

Frozen 1 ml

CL 04003-CLTH

CLTH/CC, Human primary colon cancer cell line

Frozen 1 ml




▣ 관련 페이지 ; Celther Polska





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