
Ribo-off rRNA Depletion Kit



Ribo-off rRNA Depletion Kit (Bacteria)


   클릭하시면 닫힙니다.이미지 저장을 원하시면 마우스 오른쪽클릭후 '다른이름으로 저장'을 하세요


The Ribo-off rRNA Depletion Kit (Bacteria) is designed to deplete rRNA (including 16S, 23S rRNA) from total

RNA of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, while leaving mRNA and other non-coding RNA. This kit

is suitable for both intact and degraded RNA samples (i.e. FFPE RNA) and can remove rRNA in total RNA of 1

- 5 µg. The obtained rRNA-depleted RNA can be used for analysis applications of mRNA and non-coding

RNA (e.g. lncRNA) and other experiments.


Kit compoents



N407-01 (24rxn)


N407-02 (96rxn)

 rRNA Probe (H/M/R) ;


24 µl


48 µl

 Probe Buffer ;


36 µl


72 µl

 RNase H Buffer ;


48 µl


96 µl

 RNase H ;


12 µl


24 µl

 DNase I Buffer ;


348 µl


696 µl

 DNase I ;


12 µl


24 µl

 Nuclease-free Water .


1 ml


2 x 1 ml

* Storage ; Store the kit at -20°C or below.



Ribo-off rRNA Depletion Kit (Human/Mouse/Rat)


   클릭하시면 닫힙니다.이미지 저장을 원하시면 마우스 오른쪽클릭후 '다른이름으로 저장'을 하세요


The Ribo-off rRNA Depletion Kit (H/M/R) is designed to deplete rRNA (including cytoplasmic 28S, 18S, 5S

rRNA, and mitochodrial 12S, 5.8S rRNA) from human, mouse, and rat total RNA preparations, while leaving

mRNA and other non-coding RNA. This kit is suitable for both intact and degraded RNA samples (i.e. FFPE

RNA). The obtained rRNA-depleted RNA can be used for analysis applications of mRNA and non-coding

RNA (e.g. lncRNA).


Kit compoents



N406-01 (24rxn)


N406-02 (96rxn)

 rRNA Probe (H/M/R) ;


24 µl


96 µl

 Probe Buffer ;


72 µl


288 µl

 RNase H Buffer ;


96 µl


384 µl

 RNase H ;


24 µl


96 µl

 DNase I Buffer ;


696 µl


4 x 696 µl

 DNase I ;


24 µl


964 µl

 Nuclease-free Water .


1 ml


4 ml

* Storage ; Store the kit at -20°C or below.



Ordering informations


Catalog No.

Product Name



Ribo-off rRNA Depletion Kit (Bacteria)

24 rxn & 96 rxn


Ribo-off rRNA Depletion Kit (Human/Mouse/Rat)

24 rxn & 96 rxn



▣ 관련 페이지 ; Cellagen Technology





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