
E.coli | 360-HCP (Host Cell Protein) ELISA kits



E.coli | 360-HCP (Host Cell Protein) ELISA kits

The E.coli | 360-HCP ELISA is designed to cover a broader spectrum of E.coli host cell proteins (HCPs) than

traditional generic HCP assays. 




Ordering informations


Starter set

Catalog No.

Product name


IP 2001

E.coli | 360-HCP ELISA, Type A-D starter set

Enzyme Immunoassays for the

determination of HCP from E.coli cell line,

1 x type A, 1 x type B,

1 x type C & 1 x type D

IP 2002

E.coli | 360 HCP ELISA BL21(DE3) Starter Set

Enzyme Immunoassays for the

determination of HCP from BL21(DE3)

E.coli cell line,

1 x type A & 1 x type D

IP 2003

E.coli | 360 HCP ELISA W3110 Starter Set

Enzyme Immunoassays for the

determination of HCP from W3110 E.coli

cell line,

1 x type B & 1 x type C


CHO|360-HCP ELISA single kits

Catalog No.

Product name


IP 201

E.coli|360 HCP ELISA Type A based on Strain: BL21(DE3) Mineral medium


IP 202

E.coli|360 HCP ELISA Type B based on Strain: W3110 Mineral medium


IP 203

E.coli|360 HCP ELISA Type C based on Strain: W3110 LB medium


IP 204

E.coli|360 HCP ELISA Type D based on Strain: BL21(DE3) LB medium



Antibody / Standard / Assay buffer

Catalog No.

Product name


IP 211

Anti-E.coli antibody, Type A Strain: BL21(DE3) Mineral medium

0.5 mg

IP 212

Anti-E.coli antibody, Type B Strain: W3110 Mineral medium

0.5 mg

IP 213

Anti-E.coli antibody, Type C Strain: W3110 LB medium

0.5 mg

IP 214

Anti-E.coli antibody, Type D Strain: BL21(DE3) LB medium

0.5 mg

IP 221

E.coli-HCP Standard Type A

0.5 ml

IP 222

E.coli-HCP Standard Type B

0.5 ml

IP 223

E.coli-HCP Standard Type C

0.5 ml

IP 224

E.coli-HCP Standard Type D

0.5 ml

IP 230

Assay buffer

100 ml



▣ 관련 페이지 ; BioGenes GmbH





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