Phosphate assay kits
Phosphate assay kits
ProFoldin provides reagents for measurement of a wide range of phosphate concentrations: 20 to 2000 nM phosphate
(NanoMolar phosphate assay kit) and 0.2 to 20 µM phosphate (MicroMolar phosphate assay reagent).
NanoMolar Phosphate Assay Kit
형광 색소를 이용하여 낮은 백그라운드에서 고감도로 인산 양을 측정하는 키트입니다. 인산의 결합에 의한 형광 강도의 감소를 지표로 측정합니다. ATPase, GTPase 활성의 High Throughput Screening(HTS) 등에 유용하며, 96 well type(1000 samples)과 384 well type(4000 samples)이 있으며 cuvette으로도 측정이 가능합니다. * 형광용 microplate(흑색 plate)의 사용을 권장합니다.
The NanoMolar Phosphate Assay Kit can be used for measurement of phosphate at sub-micromolar concentrations. The
assay is based on reduction of the fluorescence intensity at 535 to 585 nm (excitation 485 nm) of the NanoMolar
fluorescent dye by phosphate. The assay is compatible with 50 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8 buffer, 50 mM NaCl, 10 mM MgCl2,
0.5 mM EDTA, 2 % Ethanol, 2 % DMSO, 0.005% CHAPS. Most detergents reduce the assay sensitivity. The assay is not
compatible with DTT or high concentrations of detergent.
MicroMolar Phosphate Assay Reagent
μM 수준의 인산 양을 측정하는 키트입니다. 인산이 molybdate와 반응하여 산성용액에서 malachite green dye와 청색의 복합체를 형성하는 원리를 이용하여 측정합니다. 96-well plates(3000 samples)와 384-well plates(10000 samples)이 있습니다.
The MicroMolar Phosphate Assay Reagent is for measurement of 0.2 mM – 20 mM (micromolar) phosphate. The assay is
based on the principle that phosphate reacts with molybdate and forms a blue complex with Malachite Green dye in an
acidic solution. The phosphate amount is measured by detection of the light absorbance at 650 nm.
Ordering information ;
1. NanoMolar Phosphate Assay Kit(NPA1000)
2. MicroMolar Phosphate Assay Reagent(MPA3000)
▣ 관련 페이지 ; Profoldin
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