Human topoisomerase II-DNA decatenation assay kits
Human topoisomerase II – DNA decatenation assay kits
인간 DNA Topoisomerase II 및 박테리아 유래 DNA Topoisomerase IV (parC-parE Complex)가 있습니다. Concatenated
DNA를 decatenated DNA로 변환하는 효소 활성을 형광법으로 측정하는 키트입니다. 키트에 포함된 spin column은
concatenated DNA 만을 포착하고, 용출액에 포함된 decatenated DNA를 형광검출합니다.
Human DNA topoisomerase II alpha converts the concatenated DNA into decatenated DNA. The assay Kit is based the
principle that the decatenated DNA is separated from the concatenated DNA by a quick and easy spin-column process.
The concatenated DNA stays on the column, while the decatenated DNA is eluted. The eluted DNA is quantified by
Human Topoisomerase II DNA Decatenation Assay Kit Plus
The Human Topoisomerase II DNA Decatenation Assay Kit Plus is based the principle that the decatenated DNA is
separated from the concatenated DNA by a quick and easy spin-column process. The concatenated DNA stays on the
column, while the decatenated DNA is eluted. The eluted DNA is quantified by fluorescence. Each Kit includes the
assay buffer, concatenated DNA, human topoisomerase II alpha, spin columns and loading solution for 20 assays of DNA
decatenation reactions. The assay buffer is optimized for human topoisomerase II alpha.
Ordering information ;
1. HCD020KE(for 20 assays) : Enzyme is included.
Human Topoisomerase II DNA Decatenation Assay Kit Plus-100
The kit includes the reaction buffer, concatenated DNA, human topoisomerase II alpha, spin columns and loading solution for 100 assays of DNA decatenation reactions.
Ordering information ;
1. HCD100KE(for 100 assays) : Enzyme is included.
Human Topoisomerase II DNA Decatenation Assay Kit
The Human Topoisomerase II DNA Decatenation Assay Kit is based the principle that the decatenated DNA is separated
from the concatenated DNA by a quick and easy spin-column process. The concatenated DNA stays on the column,
while the decatenated DNA is eluted. The eluted DNA is quantified by fluorescence. Each Kit includes the assay buffer,
concatenated DNA, spin columns and loading solution for 20 assays of DNA decatenation reactions. The assay buffer is
optimized for human topoisomerase II alpha.
Ordering information ;
1. HDC020K(for 20 assays) : Enzyme is not included.
Human Topoisomerase II DNA Decatenation Assay Reagent Set
The Reagent Set includes the reaction buffer, spin columns and loading solution for 100 assays of DNA decatenation
reactions. Enzyme and concatenated DNA are not included in the set. Commercially available concatenated DNA (kDNA)
can be used.
Ordering information ;
1. HDC100(for 100 assays) : Enzyme and kDNA are not included.
96-Well DNA Decatenation Assays
High throughput DNA topo I, topo II and topo IV assays
Human DNA topoisomerase II and bacterial DNA topoisomerase IV (the parC-parE complex) converts the concatenated
DNA into decatenated DNA (decatenation reaction). Bacterial topoisomerase I and gyrases also have DNA decatenation
activity. The 96-Well Topoisomerase DNA Decatenation Assays are in a 96-well assay plate format that can be used for
high-throughput tests of human topo II and bacterial topo IV inhibitors. The assay is based on the principle that the
decatenated DNA is separated from the concatenated DNA by a filtration process. The decatenated DNA passed
through the filter (TDD filter plate), received in a 96 well plate and quantified by fluorescence at 535 nm (excitation at
485 nm).
Ordering informations ;
- 96-Well Topoisomerase DNA Decatenation Assay Kit (Catalog No. TDD96K)
- 96-Well Human Topo II DNA Decatenation Assay Kit Plus (Catalog No. HDD96KE)
- 96-Well E. coli Topo IV DNA Decatenation Assay Kit Plus (Catalog No. EDD96KE)
- 96-Well S. aureus Topo IV DNA Decatenation Assay Kit Plus (Catalog No. SDD96KE)
- 96-Well E. coli Topo I DNA Decatenation Assay Kit Plus (Catalog No. T1DD-96KE)
- 96-Well E. coli gyrase DNA Decatenation Assay Kit Plus (Catalog No. T2DD-96KE)
- 96-Well S. aureus gyrase DNA Decatenation Assay Kit Plus (Catalog No. T2DD-96KS)
▣ 관련 페이지 ; Profoldin
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