DNA topoisomerase II - DNA supercoiling assay
DNA topoisomerase II – DNA supercoiling assay
DNA topoisomerases such as bacterial topoisomerase II (gyrase) convert relaxed circular DNA into supercoiled DNA. The
DNA Topoisomerase II (Gyrase) Assay Kit is based on the principle that the supercoiled DNA and relaxed DNA yield
different fluorescent intensity when interact with fluorescence dye H19. The relaxed DNA suppresses the fluorescent
intensity much more than the supercoiled DNA. Therefore, when the relaxed DNA is converted into its supercoiled form, the fluorescent signal increases. The change of fluorescence intensity is used to measure the supercoiling reaction.
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H19 Dye for DNA Relaxation and Supercoiling Assays (enzyme not included)
For high throughput DNA relaxation or DNA supercoiling assays of topoisomerases in a 96-well (1000 assays) or 384-well
plate format (2000 assays).
DNA Topoisomerase II (Gyrase) Assay Kit (enzyme not included)
The DNA Topoisomerase II (Gyrase) Assay Kit is based on the principle that the supercoiled DNA and relaxed DNA yield
different fluorescent intensity when interact with fluorescence dye H19. The relaxed DNA suppresses the fluorescent
intensity much more than the supercoiled DNA. Therefore, when the relaxed DNA is converted into its supercoiled form, the fluorescent signal increases. The change of fluorescence intensity is used to measure the supercoiling reaction.
Each kit includes the reaction buffer (T2 Buffer), relaxed plasmid DNA and fluorescence dye H19 for 20 assays of DNA
supercoiling reactions a 96-well plate assay format or 40 assays in a 384-well assay format. The reaction buffer is
optimized for bacterial topoisomerase II (gyrase).
DNA Topoisomerase II (Gyrase) Assay Kit Plus (E. coli gyrase included)
The DNA Topoisomerase II (Gyrase) Assay Kit is based on the principle that the supercoiled DNA and relaxed DNA yield
different fluorescent intensity when interact with fluorescence dye H19. The relaxed DNA suppresses the fluorescent
intensity much more than the supercoiled DNA. Therefore, when the relaxed DNA is converted into its supercoiled form, the fluorescent signal increases. The change of fluorescence intensity is used to measure the supercoiling reaction.
Each kit includes the reaction buffer (T2 Buffer), relaxed plasmid DNA, E. coli gyrase and fluorescence dye H19 for
20 assays of DNA supercoiling reactions a 96-well plate assay format or 40 assays in a 384-well assay format. The reaction
buffer is optimized for E. coli topoisomerase II (gyrase).
DNA Topoisomerase II (Gyrase) Assay Kit Plus-100 (enzyme included)
For measurement of DNA supercoiling activity of topoisomerases in a 96-well or 384-well plate format; for 100 assays;
E. coli gyrase is included.
DNA Topoisomerase II Assay Reagent Set for HTS (enzyme not included)
The Reagent Set is designed for drug discovery HTS uses. Each reagent set includes the reaction buffer and
fluorescence dye H19 for 1000 assays of DNA supercoiling reactions a 96-well plate assay format or 2000 assays in a 384-
well assay format. Relaxed DNA is not included in the set. Relaxed plasmid PBR322 from any commercial source can be
S. aureus Gyrase DNA Supercoiling Assay Plus-100
All regents for high-throughput DNA supercoiling assays for S. aureus gyrase, 100 assays in 96-well plate format.
E. coli topoisomerase II (gyrase)
Wild-type E. coli topoisomerase II (gyrase) for 100 assays (40 ml of 2000 nM stock solution).
Ordering informations
Catalog No. |
Product Name |
Size |
DSA1000D |
H19 Dye for DNA Relaxation and Supercoiling Assays (enzyme not included) |
- |
DSA020K |
DNA Topoisomerase II (Gyrase) Assay Kit (enzyme not included) |
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DSA020KE |
DNA Topoisomerase II (Gyrase) Assay Kit Plus (E. coli gyrase included) |
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DSA100KE |
DNA Topoisomerase II (Gyrase) Assay Kit Plus-100 (enzyme included) |
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DSA1000 |
DNA Topoisomerase II Assay Reagent Set for HTS (enzyme not included) |
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S. aureus Gyrase DNA Supercoiling Assay Plus-100 |
- |
TOP2-100EC |
E. coli topoisomerase II (gyrase) |
- |
▣ 관련 페이지 ; Profoldin
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