LACEseq for ribosome profiling
LACEseq for ribosome profiling
LACEseq kit uses IMMAGINA’s proprietary technology for selective sequencing of ribosome footprints produced by the action of a nuclease generating RNA fragments with a 3’-phosphorylated end. The kit is designed for a quick and accurate library preparation and sequencing of Ribosome Protected Fragments (RPFs). LACEseq is the only all-inclusive solution for ribosome profiling experiments when combined with RiboLace module 1 for active ribosome isolation and PAGExtTM for optimal RPFs recover.
Features: • Selective sequencing of Ribosome protected fragments (RPFs) • Reduced rRNA contamination • Reduced sequencing deep needed for optimal Ribo-seq analysis • Quick (2-day) high quality library preparation • The only ALL INCLUSIVE solution when combined with RiboLace and PAGExtTM
LACEseq work flow
PAGE extracted ribosome protected fragments
LACEseq was developed to selectively sequence RPFs, for high quality Ribo-seq analysis. The final library is 220 nt and Illumina adapter and index sequences are incorporated during library amplification. As illustrated in fig.2, the complete LACEseq workflow comprises six steps: (1)RPF phosphorylation, (2) adaptor ligation, (3)circularization, (4)Reverse transcription and (5,6)two PCR steps. Indexing primers are provided with the LACEseq UDIplateTM(cat. number #iUD-12), for unique dual index sequencing. Following PCR amplification, purification, and validation, sequencing libraries may require size selection. Size selection can be performed using PAGExt kit(cat.number #KGE-002) by IMMAGINA.
This product is also available in combined sets
Cutadapt LACEseq supplemental resource and tips for success (PDF) FAQ (PDF) Protocol (PDF) Data Sheet (PDF)
Ordering information
Catalog No. |
Product Name |
Size |
LS-001 |
LACEseq for ribosome profiling |
9 rxns |
▣ 관련 페이지 ; Immagina BioTechnology S.R.L.
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