Ultra-sensitive High-throughput Protease Assay
Ultra-sensitive High-throughput Protease Assay
For detection of protease contamination and screening protease inhibitors
Protease contamination even in a trace amount can degrade proteins or peptides during purification, storage or
crystallization. Protein or peptide drugs should be protease-free. Proteases are also important drug targets. The Ultra-
sensitive High-throughput Protease Assay Kit is useful to detect protease contamination of various protein preparations
and to screen protease inhibitors in a 96-well or 384-weel plate assay format. The assay is based on the principle that
digestion of the fluorescence-labeled protein substrate results in dramatic increase of the fluorescence signal. The
sensitivity of the assay of trypsin, chymotrypsin and proteinase K is below 5 ng/ml or 0.2 ng per assay well for the
standard 384-well plate assay.
![클릭하시면 닫힙니다.이미지 저장을 원하시면 마우스 오른쪽클릭후 '다른이름으로 저장'을 하세요](http://www.sambomed.co.kr/jboard/data/data/binary/UPA1000-fig2_1.jpg)
The kit includes the assay buffer, Proteinase K control and the fluoresce-based protein substrate for 1000 assays of
proteases in a 384-well plate format.
Ordering information
Catalog No. |
Product Name |
Size |
UPA1000 |
Ultra-sensitive High-throughput Protease Assay Kit |
1000 assays |
▣ 관련 페이지 ; Profoldin
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