Actin-Toolkit G-Actin Binding
Clever detection of G-actin binding
Actinbeads에의 conjugated G-actin을 이용하여 G-actin 결합 단백질의 결합을 확인, 분석 할 수 있는
키트로서, α-actin rabbit skeletal muscle과 bovine α-cardiac actin의 2가지가 있습니다. G-actin과
리간드의 상호작용에 영향을 미치는 인자들의 분석에도 사용 할 수 있어 신약개발 연구 등에도
사용할 수 있습니다.
The Actin-Toolkits G-Actin Binding is available with α-actin (rabbit skeletal muscle) and bovine
α-cardiac actin. The kit is used to proof binding of ligands to G-actin. These functional
actin-binding assays are facilitated by G-actin conjugated to ActinBeads, which can simply
be precipitated at low centrifugal forces;
Analysis of pharmacological compounds, proteins or lipids altering ligand-G-actin-interaction are
further designated for use of this applications.
- Proof of ligands biological activity by G-actin binding
- Functional analysis of ligands binding to G-actin
- Analysis of pharmacological compounds, proteins or lipids altering ligand G-actin-interaction
α-actin from rabbit skeletal muscle
Actin (α-Actin)
Skeletal muscle alpha actin, rabbit
Molecular mass
Toolkit description
The interaction of G-actin with ligands is highly specific. Thus a positive proof of
this interaction strongly indicates that G-actin binding is a biological function of the
ligand. All assays of the Actin-Toolkit G-Actin Binding are are performed with
G-actin coupled to Sepharose™ (actinBeads), with the option to use gelsolin as
reference protein.
The handbook included in the kit guides through different experimental approaches.
In combination with the buffers provided the ActinBeads are kept functional
and are prevented from denaturing during assay performance. The Actin Toolkit
G-Actin Binding contains 4x250µl G-actin (50% slurry) conjugated to Sepharose™
to be spun at low centrifugal forces. Under these conditions ligands bound to
G-actin will be co-precipitated with actin. SDS-PAGE will reveal binding of
G-actin binding ligands.
The Actin-Toolkit G-Actin Binding is further used for assays ranging from the
determination of binding stoichiometries up to the variation of buffer conditions to
possibly optimize G-actin binding. The kit is available with Sepharose™ conjugated
actin from rabbit skeletal (Cat. # 8020-01). Further components are gelsolin, and
buffers to keep actin functional. A handbook introduces to G-actin and guides
through the experimental use of ActinBeads. We guarantee stable performance of
all kit components when stored at -70°C upon arrival for at least 6 months.
>99% by scanning densitometry
Lyophilized, ready-to-use
Kit content
4x250µl ActinBeads (lyophilized sepharose conjugated actin)
4x50ml MonoMix (lyophilized G-actin ATP-buffer)
1x0.5ml 100mM CaCl2 (Steril filtered)
1x15µg Gelsolin (mammalian)
5x Syringes & Needles
1x Toolkit Handbook G-Actin Binding
Actin Buffer
2mM Tris-Cl pH 8.2, 0.4mM ATP, 0.5mM DTT, 0.1mM CaCl2, 1mM NaN3 and 0.3%
disaccharides, when reconstituted with 1.0 ml ultrapure water to obtain a 1mg/ml
Related products
For dilution of G-actin or exchange of ligand buffer into actin compatible buffer,
MonoMix (Cat. #.: 5100-0*) may be used. In the absence of nucleators, the
polymerization of G-actin is initiated by PolyMix (Cat.#: 5000-0*).
Purification notes
Purified from rabbit skeletal muscle, GPC.
Protein concent.
Determined by the Biuret method
Storage instructions
We guarantee stable performance of the kit components for 6 months when stored at
-70°C upon arrival. Solubilized G-actin is kept on ice and should be used within 1
week. Avoid refreezing.
Shipping conditions
At ambient temperature. Upon delivery store at -70°C.
* Sepharose is a registered trademark of GE Healthcare.
Bovine Alpha Cardiac Actin
Actin (α-Actin)
alpha cardiac actin, bovine
Molecular mass
Toolkit description
The interaction of G-actin with ligands is highly specific. Thus a positive proof of
this interaction strongly indicates that G-actin binding is a biological function of the
ligand. All assays of the Actin-Toolkit G-Actin Binding are are performed with
G-actin coupled to Sepharose™ (actinBeads), with the option to use gelsolin as
reference protein.
The handbook included in the kit guides through different experimental approaches.
In combination with the buffers provided the ActinBeads are kept functional
and are prevented from denaturing during assay performance. The Actin Toolkit
G-Actin Binding contains 4x250µl G-actin (50% slurry) conjugated to Sepharose™
to be spun at low centrifugal forces. Under these conditions ligands bound to
G-actin will be co-precipitated with actin. SDS-PAGE will reveal binding of
G-actin binding ligands.
The Actin-Toolkit G-Actin Binding is further used for assays ranging from the
determination of binding stoichiometries up to the variation of buffer conditions to
possibly optimize G-actin binding. The kit contains Sepharose™ conjugated
actin from bovine cardiac musclel (Cat. # 8200-01). Further components are gelsolin,
and buffers to keep actin functional. A handbook introduces to G-actin and guides
through the experimental use of ActinBeads. We guarantee stable performance of
all kit components when stored at -70°C upon arrival for at least 6 months.
>99% by scanning densitometry
Lyophilized, ready-to-use
Kit content
4x250µl ActinBeads (lyophilized sepharose conjugated actin)
4x50ml MonoMix (lyophilized G-actin ATP-buffer)
1x0.5ml 100mM CaCl2 (Steril filtered)
1x15µg Gelsolin (mammalian)
5x Syringes & Needles
1x Toolkit Handbook G-Actin Binding
Actin Buffer
2mM Tris-Cl pH 8.2, 0.4mM ATP, 0.5mM DTT, 0.1mM CaCl2, 1mM NaN3 and 0.3%
disaccharides, when reconstituted with 1.0 ml ultrapure water to obtain a 1mg/ml
Related products
For dilution of G-actin or exchange of ligand buffer into actin compatible buffer,
MonoMix (Cat. #.: 5100-0*) may be used. In the absence of nucleators, the
polymerization of G-actin is initiated by PolyMix (Cat.#: 5000-0*).
Purification notes
Purified from rabbit skeletal muscle, GPC.
Protein concent.
Determined by the Biuret method
Storage instructions
We guarantee stable performance of the kit components for 6 months when stored at
-70°C upon arrival. Solubilized G-actin is kept on ice and should be used within 1
week. Avoid refreezing.
Shipping conditions
At ambient temperature. Upon delivery store at -70°C.
For Use in Research only. Not for Use in Human or Veterinary Diagnostical or
Therapeutical Applications.
CAS no.
51005-14-2 (Actin)
* Sepharose is a registered trademark of GE Healthcare.
Protein Sequence on NCBI
Actin-Tookit series