Minute™ High Fidelity ER Isolation Kit for Liver Tissue
Minute™ High Fidelity ER Isolation Kit for Liver Tissue
Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is a major membranous structure that functionally connects nuclear membrane and plasma membrane. Liver is an ER-rich organ and has been used for isolation of ER for decades. Traditional methods for isolating ER are based on density-gradient ultracentrifugation. The protocol requires a large amount of starting material and the methods are tedious and time-consuming and contain significant cross-contamination. Currently, all commercial kits for ER isolation are basedon methods developed in the 1970s. Unlike any other ER isolation kit on the market, this kit employs a patented spin-column-based technology that is simple and rapid and requires only a small amount of tissue. This kit can differentially precipitate native ER (mainly rough ER) from frozen liver tissues without using a Dounce homogenizer or ultracentrifugation. The whole protocol can be done in about 2 hours.
Isolation of ER from frozen mouse tissue. A. Ponceau S stained blot. B. Wester blot of different organelle markers. PM- Na/K (ATPase, Novus, NB300146S) ER- hCalreticulin (R&D System, MAB38981) GAPDH (Biolegend, 631401). 1. Total liver lysate, 2 and 3. Isolated ER fraction in duplicate.
Instruction sheet (PDF)
Ordering information
Catalog No |
Product Name |
Kit components |
Amount |
ER-035 |
Minute™ High Fidelity ER Isolation Kit for Liver Tissue |
Buffer A |
20 ml |
Buffer B |
4 ml |
Buffer C |
4 ml |
Plastic Rods |
2 units |
Filter Cartridge |
20 units |
Collection Tubes |
20 units |
* For 20 preps
▣ 관련 페이지 ; Invent Biotechologies, Inc.
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