TFF-MV, Large EV isolation
TFF-MV, Separation concentration and purification of large EVs Ttangential Flow Filtration-based device
Tangential flow filtration (TFF) is a rapid and efficient method, usually used for separation and purification of biomolecules. TFF can be also used to concentrate and desalt sample solutions, and is emerging as a new technique for EV isolation, if coupled with SEC.
TFF-MV is a filter able to separate large microvesicles (MVs) by size, avoiding the separation by centrifugation at 10000g, which often causes the loss of part of small EVs. TFF-MV retains vesicles larger than 150-200 nm, whereas small EVs and circulating molecules pass in the permeate. Retained MVs can be recovered with a syringe in PBS buffer, without additional purification steps.
TFF-MV is a filter cartridge in hollow fibers made of polysulfone having pores of 200 nm size. The filter is very useful for separating different EVs by size. Indeed, microvesicles bigger than 150 nm are retained inside the hollow fibers, while small EVs and molecules easily permeate the filter. Microvesicles can be recovered with a syringe in PBS buffer, without additional purification steps.
It works from a mimimal amount of 5 ml of fluids up to liters of fluids. The filter works with diluted matrices (cell media and urines) and with complex biofluids (plasma, serum etc.).
TFF-MV can be easily washed and it is reusable multiple times.
Features • Washalble • Reusable multiple times • Easy to use • Fast concentration of EVs bigger than 150 nm
How to use TFF Easy
Application • Separation, concentration and recovery of large EVs (>150 nm). • Large EV isolation from cell media, biofluids, plant extracts. • Dialysis and desalting of large EVs. • Suitable for large EV isolation from 5 ml of fluid.
TFF-MV: Large EV isolation, with minimal loss of small EVs
EM image and particle size distribution of EVs isolated with TFF-MV
Currenlty, large MVs are isolated or removed from small EVs by centrifugation (10 000 g for 30 minutes), which also causes a massive loss of small vesicles. Moreover, different equipment (centrifuges, rotor angle, etc.) impacts on the final results. TFF-MV allows the removal of MVs, their concentration and purification in one single step, skipping the centrifugation passage. The isolated MVs result is clean andsuitable for multiple analyses.
Product sheet (PDF) Extracellular Vesicle Isolation Tools_Catalog (PDF)
Ordering information
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