Monoclonal Antibody 3-D conformational comparability analysis from Array Bridge Inc.
Antibody arrays were developed to analyze monoclonal antibody 3-D conformation (Higher Order Structure), this technology is sensitive at molecular level, systematic to cover the whole mAb molecule and high throughput, it can be used in biosimilar mAb development.
Cancer Enzyme Profiling and Functional Proteomics Analysis
Array Bridge develops a novel technology called PEP that can systematically analyze protein function from a proteome. Hundreds of functional proteins can be assayed simultaneously to generate a comprehensive three-dimensional landscape of a protein family such as protein kinases, phosphatases, proteinases and oxido reductases. This information can be integrated into other genomic and proteomic knowledge bases to provide further insight of important biological processes such as cancer development and aging. This technology can also be used for fast protein purification.